Install with Administrator rights (recommended)
Install without Administrator rights
Installation as Administrator(recommended)
- Download the
plitLab package
- UnZip the package to a directory of your choice
As it might pose problems, do not burry it too deep in the path;
Sofort Downloaden auch am Wochenende nach Zahlungseingang -
Preferably, unzip to something like
- Start Matlab
- In Matlab, change directory to location of SplitLab, in our example:
>> cd D:\Sofware\SplitLab
- The installation of SplitLab is started by typing
>> install_SplitLab.m
This macro perform several tasks:
It installs the matTaup package as a Matlab toolbox in the Matlab directories.
is a Java implementation form Matlab to calculate of the travel times, of the
hodochrons, and of the ray path through the Earth. matTaup originates form the seismology group of the University of Washington
It installs the SacLab package as a Matlab toolbox in the Matlab directories.
is a suite of Matlab codes to read and write SAC files in Matlab.
It is written by Micheal Thorne.
- It installs in the SplitLab directory the event catalog files, such as the NEIC
epicenter locations and the Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT). Either file
is used in the following processes for the event selection and to create the virtual
link between the seismograms and the events.
These catalogues can be easily updated from within SplitLab
- It adds the SplitLab search path to the global (for all users!!) Matlab path using the
addpath command
- Restart Matlab
Installation as simple user
Sorry, nothing here yet, but comming soon...