Known Issues
Well, nobody is perfect! Here are some problems we have encountered so far.

The WEB browser (FireFox3) does not open
On Microsoft Windows platforms, if you have the Mozilla Firefox 3 browser set as your default system browser, when you run the web function using the -browser option, the Firefox browser opens but the requested page does not display.

This problem also concerns the Update function for earthquake catalogues.

See the Mathwork Bug Report for a workaround.

entry date: 25.Sept 2008

On my MAC, the SAC files are exported in Little endian
You are probably using the seismogram export option of SplitLab for further use on your Macintosh machine. Furthermore, you are using George Helffrich's MacSAC. However, MacSAC complains of file format...
Well, two things:
1) you are probably using an IntelMacintosh, where the default endian convention is little
2) MacSAC allways requires big endian files
To solve this issue, you have to edit the file SplitLab/Saclab/wsac.m. The comments in this file should be self-explanatory

entry date: 02.Jul 2008

Error estimates wrong when best solution is +/- 90
When a solution is centered around +/- 90 SplitLab estimates the time quality from 0 to Inf and angles from Inf to Inf, no matter how the coefficient maps.
Yes, It has to do with the method the error is determined from the contour lines.
If you fancy to check line 38 to 45 in the file Splitlab/ShearWaveSplitting/incontour.m you will see, that it is hardcoded.
Because it's at the edge of plot, the contour-function behaves a bit different. I couldn't find better way to handle this exception. And I did not expect too many places on earth with exactly +-90 Fast orientation :-)

entry date: 01.Feb 2008

Project is not being saved
Apparently, Matlab has problems with deep folder tree structures. So if you are trying to save your project file in


it probably will not work!!!
Try a more sensible structure like


entry date: 20.Sept 2007

Excel export does not work on MAC/Linux
Well, Matlabs writexls function needs ActiveX to operate. That is not available on MACs and Linux, sorry... You will have to export to .csv-format ("comma-separated-value file"), which is a text file and open it in any editor of your choice!

entry date: 30.Feb 2007

Seismograms open in DatabaseViewer
Yes, that is strange... I have no real explanation for that phenomenon! You may want to close the DatabaseViewer and start over
fixed: 28.Mar 07

entry date: 30.Feb 2007